Services & Solutions

Nbryo’s Australian laboratory is ‘open for business'. Nbryo is commercialising a platform of technologies, with each release to the market being one step closer to affordable and accessible embryo transfer.

All production systems start with the embryo, and the best genetic decisions are made when a breeding objective can be expertly designed. Using digital and genomic technologies, Nbryo is developing a range of technologies to precisely select and design breeding objectives.

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The first step of the in vitro production of embryos is oocyte collection. Nbryo has an experienced field services team that performs ovum pick up (OPU) on-farm or at a collection centre from elite donors. Read more about OPUs in our Knowledge Base. Our oocyte collection services can extend to aspiration of oocytes from abattoir-derived ovaries, a great technique for commercial production of embryos.

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Nbryo’s experienced laboratory team are routinely producing large numbers of embryos. Using oocytes and semen collected from your selected donors and sires, we can produce embryos for fresh transfer or freeze them for later. If you are new to IVF or want to learn more to achieve the best result, check out our knowledge base to learn more.

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Imagine being able to draft your embryos in the dish and only transfer those that meet your breeding objective! No time and money wasted on pregnancies that traditionally have taken a live calf or weaner on the ground to make that decision.

By using genomics, you can select, or de-select embryos and deliver calves designed to suit your production system.

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Using Nbryo’s patented multiplication technology enables you to scale embryos that are specifically chosen for the production system and meet your breeding objective. By multiplying embryo production, this technology enables the first step change towards the reduction in embryo cost. Multiplying ideal genetics allows genetic improvement to be disseminated rapidly into the industry and allows supply chains to be filled with a consistent product designed for the end-consumer.

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Logistics associated with the distribution of genetics to regional areas and global networks is challenging. Using a novel approach in collaboration with our extensive research network, Nbryo is developing technologies to enable simplified storage enabling distribution of scaled embryos to many regional areas and in developing countries where existing infrastructure may not exist.

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Nbryo has an experienced field team to transfer fresh or frozen embryos produced in our Brisbane laboratory.

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Given the cost, availability and critical shortage of skilled embryo transfer technicians, Nbryo is developing a device that will enable semi-skilled operators to transfer embryos into recipient cows.

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The adoption of artificial intelligence and data underpins the Nbryo Platform. Data will inform the ongoing development of the platform to deliver the Nbryo vision to cattle producers globally.

Imagine from as early as the embryo stage, supply chains being able to accurately forecast their long term production of milk and beef.

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