Facilities & Equipment Needed

Get set for your visit from our Nbryo fields services team

To ensure the success of an embryo transfer (ET) program with in vitro produced embryos, some basic facilities and equipment are required.

Nbryo technicians will provide nearly all the equipment they need to conduct the ovum pick up (OPU) and the transfer of embryos, however they also require a solid crush, vet-box, table, power and shade.

An embryologist will accompany the technician to manage the oocytes or embryos.  Providing a climate-controlled room with power close to the crush is important.  A stable temperature (22-25°C) and controlled humidity levels (40-60%) will help minimise the impact of handling and processing the oocytes and embryos.

It is also advisable to have at least two experienced farmhands or assistants to handle the cattle and ensure the necessary administration and data recording is done accurately.

The following checklist will help you prepare for your program:

Essential items

  • Good crush with vet box (kick gate) and squeeze
  • Power and extension lead(s) reaching the crush (or generator)
  • Shade over the crush and adjacent area for the equipment (ideally on the right or outer side of the crush if possible).
  • Stable table and clean cover for equipment crush-side
  • A clean field lab (i.e. a room near the crush or in the house) with power, table and chair for the embryologist to work. This should be within walking distance of the crush or a few minutes’ drive.
  • Clean, fresh water in the yards for the cattle
  • Grassy hay if the animals are likely to be held for more than a few hours

For more information see our guide on recipient management.

Example of table set up next to crush for embryo transfer
Example of OPU Lab set up for embryologist


  • Crush with head bail, adjustable side panels, non-slip flooring, and quick-release mechanisms to ensure animal safety and operator efficiency
  • Race and crush under cover
  • Power leads
  • Shade in the yards for the cattle
  • Water system in the yards to minimise dust if required
  • Holding paddock close by with good feed (low in clover/oestrogens) to hold cattle before and/or after OPU/ET.

We are committed to optimising your results.  If you are unsure as to whether your infrastructure is suitable for IVF, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of our team to discuss this further.  Sending through some photos of the crush and facilities may also be helpful.

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